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Activities and Services

-          Train course of Basic Information Technology using IC3 GS4 curriculum.

-          Support students to meet the information technology outcome requirements.

-          Train and issue Certificate of basic information technology application and advanced information technology application.

-          Train and issue international certificate on network (MCSA, MCSP, CCNA …)

-          Undertake the services, informatics technology projects applied in the areas: agriculture, education, social economics …

-          Frequently open special training courses:

o   Office informatics: Windows, WinWord, Excel, Access, Power Point

o   Web design, computer network, Internet …

o   Communicative graphics: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Corel Draw, 3D Studio …

o   Geographic Informatics science: Mapinfo, ArcView, ArcGIS …

o   Open source code: Linux, Open Office …

-          Consult, support and undertake informatics technology projects: Internet, database, applied software and network software…

-          Repair network personal computers or problems.    

-          Maintain computer network system, games space, personal computer.

-          Create applied software on administration, accountancy, Web and Information.

-          Consult, design, build and develop websites for establishments with demands.

-          Consult, design, build and develop geographic database systems serving for synthetic or specific management business.


Contact Address:

Center for Applied Informatics,

Nong Lam University- HCM City

Linh Trung ward, Thu Duc district, HCM City

Tel: 8428-38961713;                           Email: ttth©;              







 Activities and Services


- Train and issue A, B and technician national certificate on informatics. Train and issue international certificate on network (MCSA, MCSP, CCNA …)

- Undertake the services, informatics technology projects applied in the areas: agriculture, education, social economics …

- Frequently open special training courses:

° Office informatics: Windows, WinWord, Excel, Access, Power Point

° Web design, computer network, Internet …

° Communicative graphics: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Corel Draw, 3D Studio …

° Program from basic to proficient levels: Pascal, C/C++, Visual Basic/ Visual, C#.Net, Java …

° Geographic Informatics science: Mapinfo, ArcView, ArcGIS …

° Open source code: Linux, Open Office …

- Consult, support and undertake informatics technology projects: Internet, database, applied software and network software…

- Repair network personal computers or problems.

- Maintain computer network system, games space, personal computer.

- Create applied software on administration, accountancy, Web and Information.

- Consult, design, build and develop websites for establishments with demands.

- Consult, design, build and develop geographic database systems serving for synthetic or specific management business.



Page count: 5567
Last modify: 29-07-2024

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